Deed Covenants

  1. Said premises shall not be used for any commercial, agricultural, or manufacturing business of any kind
  2. No outside privy or toilet may be erected on said premises and the installation of septic tanks must conform to statutes and rules and regulations of state and local health authorities
  3. No water may be taken from the lake for any business purpose, commercial, manufacturing, or agricultural
  4. No building shall be erected on said premises except a one or one and a half story, single family dwelling house and private garage. Any garage erected on said premises must conform in general appearance and material to any dwelling on said premises. No garage or other buildings shall be built prior to the erection of a dwelling
  5. No animals or poultry shall be kept or maintained except household pets
  6. Nothing but permanent structures shall be erected upon said premises. No trailers or tents shall be placed upon said premises except by written permission of the grantor herein. The roofs of all buildings shall be roofed with terra-cotta asbestos, asphalt, or slate shingles.
  7. Any building with a wood exterior must be stained or painted with at least two coats of paint or stain, varnish, or sealer, and no tar paper exterior finish shall be used, No metal exterior finish shall be used nor shall any "Quonset Hut" so-called be erected upon said premises except by written permission of the grantor herein
  8. No dwelling of less than 480 square feet area shall be erected upon said premises
  9. No advertising signs of any sort shall be displayed for twenty (20) years from date
  10. The lot or lots herein contained shall not be used for the benefit of any other property which is not included in this development. However, Lake Bunggee, Inc., who has title to other property contiguous to, and who also may acquire title to, and who also may acquire title to property a short distance from the premises shown on the map or sections thereof herein referred to, reserves the right to develop said other property and connect the same to the premises shown on said map, or sections thereof
  11. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as granting to any owner any title to any portions of the lake below high water mark
  12. The use of motors on Lake Bunggee shall be subject to Section 4154 of the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut and the use of motors will be allowed on the lake only between the hours of 8:00 a.m., to 9:00 p.m. (EST.)
  13. The lot or lots herein contained are subject to Federal, State, and Local statutes and ordinances
  14. No building shall be placed closer than 25 feet from the high water mark, nor closer to the front line than 25 feet, nor closer to the side line than 8 feet unless by written permission of the grantor herein
  15. No trees shall be cut without permission of the grantor herein or his assigns until building construction in definitely underway or the lot is paid for. No brush fires will be permitted at any time
  16. All boats must yield the right of way to any aircraft which may be landing or taking off
  17. The said grantor herein reserves the right to install electric light poles or wires, gas and water mains or to permit the same to be done, in, upon or over the said street ways and to conduct telephone or electric light wires over the said lots from any pole upon any street way shown on said map or plans
  18. The lots in the above development shall not at any time be subdivided or sold, except as a whole, but nothing herein shall prevent any purchaser, his heirs or assigns, from conveying any portion of a lot to the owner or owners of adjoining lots, provided such conveyances are made for the general benefit of the entire tract, and permission, in writing, is first obtained from Lake Bunggee, Inc., of its assigns, The Purchaser of two or more contiguous lots may improve them as one building plot, and the conditions, reservations, and restrictive covenants herein shall apply to such plot with the same force and effect as though said premises comprised one lot
  19. The Purchaser shall have the right to use in common with others, all of the roads shown on the map or sections thereof, herein referred to, for all purposes for which a highway is ordinarily used, and said purchaser shall also have the right to use in common with others those portions of the lake frontage reserved for beach purposes, but not for commercial purposes. The owners of water front lots shall have the right to cross the strip of land between high watermark and low water mark for the purpose of access, and use of the water of Lake Bunggee
  20. Invalidation of any of the conditions, reservations and restrictive covenants contained herein by any judgment or court order shall in no way effect any of the other conditions, reservations and restrictive covenants, which shall remain in full force and effect
  21. Any piers or docks shall be a removable type, maintained in a level and orderly form and shall extend into the lake not more than twenty (20) feet from the high water mark
  22. No raft or float shall be placed upon the lake unless the same has an area on the surface of less than 280 square feet nor shall the same be placed or anchored at a distance of more than one hundred (100) feet from the shoreline of the lot of the owner of said float or raft
  23. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot or upon the lake, nor shall anything be done thereon which may cause offensive odors or become an announce or nuisance to the neighborhood
  24. The owners of all lots agree to become a member of an association of property owners at Lake Bunggee development when the same is formed and to pay the yearly fees or dues established by such association
  25. These covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them for a period of twenty-five (25) years from the date these covenants are recorded, after which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years unless an instrument, signed by a majority of the then owners of the lots, has been recorded agreeing to change said covenants in whole or in part
  26. Enforcement shall be by the proceedings at law or in equity against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate any covenant, either to restrain violation or to recover damages

©2025 Lake Bunggee Tax District
Lake Bunggee Tax District: P.O. Box 231, Woodstock, CT 06281
A Bold & New site